Concluding an Agreement between Regional Center, ISC and North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences

2/22/2017 10:29:26 AM  ( hit : 971 )

Concluding an Agreement between Regional Center, ISC and North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences

Medical Science and Healthcare University of North Khorasan, Regional Information Center of Science and Technology (RICeST) and Islamic World Science Citation (ISC) signed a mutual cooperation agreement in Shiraz, Based on Web Da report.

This agreement was concluded in the presence of head of the regional center and ISC, Dr. Mohamad Javad Dehqani, accompanied by the deputies and counselors of these two organizations; the chancellor of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Ibrahim Golmakani, the Deputy of Research and Technology, Dr. Golshan, the Dean of the Medical School, Dr. Abad; the Dean of the Nursing School, Dr. Tabatabaee; the Head of EDC, Dr. Mortazavi, and Mr. Rangrazi.

Following explaining the objectives of Islamic World Science Citation (ISC) establishment and its scientific activities, head of the regional center and ISC, Dr. Mohamad Javad Dehqani stated: this citation was founded on 2008 as the third international citation aimed at scientific measurement and assessment of the Islamic states; and registration and indexing the scientific journals due to 2001 onwards have been considered as the functions of ISC.

Regarding to the contracting this agreement, he stated: the citation analysis of the scientific and research publication of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences is one of the terms included in the agreement. Moreover, explaining and realizing ranking indices of the university and ranking it among the universities and education and research providers around the country, and comparing it with other peer universities across Islamic states and the world and organizing training workshops of such fields in the University for the Target Groups are other significant goals of this agreement. 

Giving thanks RICeST and ISC for their kindnesses as the host for the meeting and their valuable scientific activities, the chancellor of the university, Dr. Ibrahim Golmakani stated: North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences intends to employ all the ISC capabilities to promote its national and international rank.

He added that holding a seminar on scientometrics and ranking systems for the northern part of the country, in cooperation with ISC, sounds necessary for which this university may declare its readiness.

Dr. Golmakani commented: ISC might be helpful and effective for the scientific board members of this university because of its educational atmosphere for training workshops and its citation with full text papers.

He added that the university is going forward using its qualitative and quantitative studies approaches for which ISC may functions as a principle for this university and all other universities across the country.